AWO was presented at the Budapest Business School, College of Commerce, Catering and Tourism on 2th of October 2016.
Final year students worked in a lecture on research methods especially with module 2. The college could be convinced to join the AWO network for cooperation.
The course AWO was presented at the UAS Burgenland on 5th of October; at a scientific conference on Academic Writing, organized by the Writing Center of the UAS Campus Wien, the course was marketed via folder.
Prof. (FH) Petra Hauptfeld presented the course AWO under the perspective of the inverted classroom model at this year’s PIXEL conference “Future of Education” in Florence from 30th June to 1st July 2016.
During a workshop at a conference organized by the Writing center of the FH Wien University of Applied Sciences of WKW on 14th of April 2016 the course AWO focused on module 5, scientific marketing. The workshop demonstrated convincing writing strategies for a non-scientific audience.
The online course was presented during a session at this year's EAIE (European Association for International Education) in Glasgow from September 14th to the 18th. The presentation focused on helping students who are writing their theses. Colleagues from the University of Maribor and the Charles University in Prague headed by the Chair of FH Burgenland guided participants through the session and introduced the course.
A recent publication describes the project and the scientific preparatory work:
Petra Hauptfeld-Göllner, Claudia Kummer: Akademisches Schreiben als Schlüsselkompetenz – studentische Perspektiven und institutionelle Unterstützung am Beispiel des Kurses „Academic Writing Online“. (Academic Writing as a Key Skill – Student Perspectives and Support for Educational Institutions based on the example of the course “Academic Writing Online”) In: Hauptfeld/Mayrhofer/Pehm (Hg.): Meinung im Mittelpunkt. Ausgewählte Beiträge zu Ergebnissen der Markt- und Meinungsforschung im Burgenland (Focus on Opinion. Selected Articles on the Results of Marketing and Opinion Research), Graz 2015, S. 73–91 (SCIENCE.RESEARCH.PANNONIA. Volume 6)
Preis: € 16,90
The course was demonstrated at the EATAW (European Association of the Teaching of Academic Writing) conference in Tallinn from the 15th - 17th of June. The focus was on the personalized learning that the course makes possible.
A lecture and a poster presentation at the 7th EDULEARN, a conference on modern teaching methods and new media, in Barcelona from the 6th - 8th of July introduced the online course from the didactic standpoint of how the content, videos and exercises were developed.